Monday, 30 November 2015

Sage Management, LLC - Repairing During Renovation

When companies like Sage Management, LLC handle large-scale renovations, they are faced with many choices between repairing an element of a property and replacing it. Though in extreme cases, replacement is the only valid option, replacing everything is pricey, time-consuming and impractical. In addition to saving money, repairing instead of replacing can maintain some of a building's charm and make it more appealing to potential renters or buyers. If, for example, a property has original timber floors, restoring them is often preferable to tearing them up and replacing them with carpet or linoleum.
Sage Management LLC
Sage Management LLC
The decision to repair instead of replace during renovation should be an educated one that is fueled by intelligent thinking instead of impulse. For example, though original windows might add a certain charm to a home, good-quality replacements can reduce noise, prevent condensation and provide better heat retention. On the other hand, if the windows offer adequate heat retention and noise reduction is not an issue, repair might be an option. Old windows with metal or wooden frames often have a build-up of paint, failing latches, rust or cracked glass. A contractor can repair these issues without replacing the entire window, thus saving money.

Similarly, if a property has sturdy, original doors that are caked with years of paint can be sandblasted or dipped to remove the buildup. The cost to restore doors to their previous appearance is often cheaper than purchasing quality replacements. Use your best judgment when deciding whether to replace or repair and remember that every property is different. Sage Management, LLC, for example, sometimes makes the choice to maintain as much of an original structure as possible and, in other cases, they replace almost everything to achieve the desired effect.