Thursday, 31 December 2015

Sage Management LLC - Property Maintenance Boosts Lease Renewal Rates

Sage Management LLC believes that every tenant should access reliable and safe amenities and utility services. The Maryland-based property management firm has worked tirelessly to ensure that every property it manages has a dependable maintenance team ready to sort out any property issue before it turns away prospective tenants.

It’s imperative that landlords and property managers understand the importance of having a good maintenance team. The services provided by such a team are very important to residents than perks such as more parking space or parties. Indeed, when it comes to lease renewal, tenants might be more inclined to keep living in a particular area if they know maintenance is not overlooked by management.

As a property manager, you can consider the following tips to ensure that your maintenance efforts play a critical role in the lease renewal process.

Sage Management LLC

Identify common maintenance issues

Together with your maintenance crew, assess the 10 most common issues encountered by the community. For each issue, identify a troubleshooting tip the crew can suggest to the tenant to help them resolve it faster.

Follow up

Ensure that every maintenance request is followed up on, whether in person, via phone or email. As the property manager, ask residents whether everything was done to their expectation, and whether there’s more you can do.

Open communication lines

Foster constant communication between the property management team and the maintenance providers. As Sage Management LLC knows, the better the lines of communication, the more comfortable both teams will be working with each other.

Sage Management, LLC - Supporting Your Community

Sage Management, LLC is a property management company that acquires and renovates apartment complexes in Baltimore, MD. The Sage team is dedicated to providing affordable housing to those in need and also to improving the communities in which they work through their renovation efforts. For example, the Sage group purchased a run-down apartment complex that was uninhabitable, invested over $4 million to renovations and then relaunched it. The property went from being a crime hotspot to being one of the nicer areas in the community thanks to the efforts of the Sage group. The Sage group also worked with local law enforcement to install elements that would reduce crime in the area. Though not everyone can help their community in the ways that the Sage group helps Maryland communities, anyone can make an effort to improve their area.

Sage Management LLC

One way to help your community is to take a weekly garbage pick-up walk. Grab a trash bag and a pair of gloves, and then go out on a walk around your neighborhood to clean up the area. If you don't have time for a weekly walk, though, you can support your community by shopping at locally-owned stores instead of big-name corporations. Another way to improve your community is to place a few potted flowers on your front steps. Plants will improve how your home looks and, as a result, improve the appearance of the community. They might even inspire your neighbors to put out a few plants of their own. These basic steps can get anyone on the path to supporting their community – even if all you can do is put out some flowers, helping is what matters. You can also donate to local charities, which is another step that Sage Management, LLC takes to help benefit Maryland communities.

Monday, 28 December 2015

Sage Management, LLC - Settling Into Your New Home

After you've signed a lease with a responsible property manager like Sage Management, LLC, you're ready to settle in and start making memories. Unpacking boxes and hauling furniture can be overwhelming, but there are several things outside of unpacking that you'll need to handle to settle in completely. Take time off of unpacking each day to handle these simple tasks and when you're done, you'll be ready to relax:

Sage Management LLC
  • Change your address. You don't want to miss important mail just because you've been busy, so head to the local post office or log onto the USPS website and fill out their change of address form. Also, contact any financial companies to notify them that you have moved.
  • Set up your utility bill. Nothing cramps your style quite like getting a shut-off notice for your utilities because you forgot to set up the bill. This happens more than you would think and it can be avoided with a simple phone call to each utility company.
  • Check your home's safety. Double check the unit's carbon monoxide and smoke detectors to ensure that they're working properly, make sure your fire extinguisher isn't expired and do routine checks on any other safety devices.
  • Get to know the area. Take a walk, bicycle ride or drive around your new area and familiarize yourself with important locations like gas stations, grocery stores, banks, the post office and the nearest hospital.
If you have problems with any of these steps, don't hesitate to ask your apartment manager for assistance. Friendly companies like Sage Management, LLC will happily help you get settled in any way that they can.

Monday, 21 December 2015

Sage Management, LLC - Small Things to Look for in an Apartment

Sage Management, LLC has dedicated much of their efforts to acquiring and restoring apartment complexes and townhomes from a state of disrepair back to a condition where they can be an asset to their respective communities. They have restored completely unlivable apartments, built new units and more in efforts to help benefit communities and tenants. To further this benefit, the Sage team makes sure that the housing units that they rent out are affordable and staffed by people who follow fair housing laws strictly. Just as the Sage team makes educated decisions on the properties that they acquire and renovate, new tenants should make educated decisions when they rent an apartment. Wherever you live, whoever you're renting from, go over the small things to make sure that you enjoy your next home.

Sage Management LLC 

One of the small things that can make a big difference in your happiness at a new home is cell phone reception. Make sure that your cell phone can make and receive calls from the unit you're looking to rent. This isn't so much a matter of convenience as it is security – if you can't place a call from within your home, you might one day be in an emergency and be unable to call for help. Other small things include checking the water pressure for both hot and cold water and bringing a socket tester to check the apartment's outlets. Working electricity and water are basic needs that your new home should be able to fill. Good property managers like Sage Management, LLC want their tenants to be happy and to make lasting memories in their new homes – most places worth renting will be able to fulfill these basic needs.

Monday, 30 November 2015

Sage Management, LLC - Repairing During Renovation

When companies like Sage Management, LLC handle large-scale renovations, they are faced with many choices between repairing an element of a property and replacing it. Though in extreme cases, replacement is the only valid option, replacing everything is pricey, time-consuming and impractical. In addition to saving money, repairing instead of replacing can maintain some of a building's charm and make it more appealing to potential renters or buyers. If, for example, a property has original timber floors, restoring them is often preferable to tearing them up and replacing them with carpet or linoleum.
Sage Management LLC
Sage Management LLC
The decision to repair instead of replace during renovation should be an educated one that is fueled by intelligent thinking instead of impulse. For example, though original windows might add a certain charm to a home, good-quality replacements can reduce noise, prevent condensation and provide better heat retention. On the other hand, if the windows offer adequate heat retention and noise reduction is not an issue, repair might be an option. Old windows with metal or wooden frames often have a build-up of paint, failing latches, rust or cracked glass. A contractor can repair these issues without replacing the entire window, thus saving money.

Similarly, if a property has sturdy, original doors that are caked with years of paint can be sandblasted or dipped to remove the buildup. The cost to restore doors to their previous appearance is often cheaper than purchasing quality replacements. Use your best judgment when deciding whether to replace or repair and remember that every property is different. Sage Management, LLC, for example, sometimes makes the choice to maintain as much of an original structure as possible and, in other cases, they replace almost everything to achieve the desired effect.